Food Production and Climate Change
Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa Canada
23-08-22 19:30 (7:30 EST) -4 gmt
© 2022 Robert Julian Agnel, All Rights Reserved.
Food Production and Climate Change
"Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot"
Joni Mitchell 1970 Big Yellow Taxi
The photos were taken in a field of various flowers and grasses that grow naturally in meadows in this part of Canada. Opening we see some of the greenhouses on the farm, panning clock-wise are garden plots available for people living in the neighbourhood to grow their own vegetables, then we see a field of corn already over 2 meters tall, next in the distance we see two apartment towers (my apartment is where the sun is reflecting), then behind the line of trees there are fields of soya beans and the helipad for the Civic Hospital across the road.
The Central Experimental Farm is a 427 hectares (1,055 acres) crop and animal research station located in the middle of the City of Ottawa. The farm is operated by the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In 1886 an act of Parliament established Experimental Agricultural Research Stations across the country in the 13 different growing zones. Over the years more than 30 stations have been added to the network researching soil, plants, animal and food production. Hopefully the knowledge gained over the years of scientific research will help prepare governments, industry, farmers and consumers for the future as Climate Change impacts our food, air, soil and water.
From my balcony I enjoy watching the soil preparation and planting in the spring the growth over the summer and the smell each time the alfalfa is cut to when the corn and soya beans are harvested later in October or early November. The 10,000s of geese, ducks and other birds migrating south along this part of the Atlantic flyway enjoy the free meal of left-overs in the fields surrounding my place.
Nikon z6ii with TTArtisan 11mm f2.8 fisheye lens, Affinity Photo, PTGui, nodal ninja 3 meter pole with a Neewer PH-720B pano cradle head, sevenoak on camera gps
Canada is warming faster than the world as a whole — at more than twice the global rate — and the Canadian Arctic is warming at about three times the global rate. Due to this rapid warming, sea-ice deterioration and changes in permafrost are expected to put communities and infrastructure in the North at risk. The Boreal forest is important for Canada and the planet and may be negatively impacted by Climate Change.
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