Ischia: a natural laboratory
Via Casa Mennella, 1, 80074 Casamicciola Terme NA, Italy
September 3 2022, 18:12 UTC (20:12 local)
© 2022 Christian Braut, All Rights Reserved.
The more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, the more there will be in the oceans. Due to its volcanic nature, the island of Ichia has many underwater sites where the acidity is comparable to that which the oceans will experience under the effect of global warming. The phenomenon is studied by the zoological station Anton Dohr. Volcanic activity is also at the origin of a hundred thermal hot springs. Like the one that supplies one of the swimming pools at La Pergola
Lat: 40° 44' 45.941" N
Long: 13° 53' 46.33" E
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Taken with a Nikon D810 + Nikkor 10.5mm DX AF Fisheye mounted on a Nodal Ninja 3 MkII head. One row of six shots + zenith/nadir. Optimized with Photoshop/Camera Raw, stitched with PTGui and KRPano Tools.