Home Sweet Home by Moon
Suburban Street, Florin Area, Sacramento County, California, USA
Saturday March 22, 2008 10:35PM PST
© 2008 Joel M. Baldwin, All Rights Reserved.
If something is beginning, then something ended before it.
The full moon brightens the street, this is a beginning of a cycles swing towards a dark new moon.
After long winter months of the trees being brown and bare, leafs are starting to appear and turn the trees green. Spring has spring and Summer is about to begin.
A mailbox stands in front of the houses. The beginning and end of mail's journey is in this box. Will the letter bring good or bad news?
For the people living in these houses their days begin and end at home.
Their work days begin and end in their cars commuting to work.
Their drive to work begin and end in their driveways and on streets like this.
As consumers they produce garbage. This garbage begins it's final journey to landfill or recycling in the garbage cans that are visible.
Lat: 38° 29' 38" N
Long: 122° 24' 21" W
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.
PTGui Pro 7.6 using HDR, Photoshop CS3, Pano2QTVR 1.6.6 Pro