Old and Rusty Crane
Höfn, Austur-Skaftafellssýsla, Iceland
June 23, 2013, 20:52 UTC (20:52 local time)
© 2013 Jürgen Matern, All Rights Reserved.
This panorama shows an old and rusty machine. In better times it surely was a trusty machine but now it's only rusty...Making Of
The shooting was done with a monopod extented to mid level of the housing of the crane. The lens was mounted with a custom-made bracket, which allows me to mount the lens to turn around the no-parallax point of the lens.As the lens is a fisheye lens, four pictures easily cover 360°. To be sure I took three exposures at each direction. The exposures were 2 f-stops apart. The best exposed set was chosen before stitching.
- Camera: Sony NEX-6
- Lens: Samyang 7.5mm/3.5 UMC fisheye (for Micro 4/3 adapted for NEX)
- Mounting: Custom-made lens bracket mounted on top of a monopod
- Software: Panotools, PTGui Pro, Smartblend, Photoshop CS6, Pano2VR
- 4 pictures @ 90° / ISO 100