Elevating Charlotte's Skyline
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, USA
23 June 2008 | 10:43 am EDT (GMT -4)
An indication of this boom is the number of tower cranes working on building projects. An informal census counted 18 cranes in and around the Interstate 277 loop circling the uptown area.
A project that has recently topped out is the Catalyst Condominiums on Church Street. Two tower cranes from Heede Southeast are servicing the project.
This panorama is taken from the boom of one, some 300 feet above ground level.
The Panoramist
The newspaper I work for:
The Charlotte Observer
USA-Canada / USA-North Carolina
Lat: 35° 13' 34.36" N
Long: 81° 51' 54.4" W
Elevation: 754'+300' AGL=1054' elevation ASL
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.