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(June 18-22, 2008)

Kato Kazuhiro

Highway Under Construction

Dean Karamehmedovic

Haiku Stairs "Stairway to Heaven"

Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii, USA

June 19, 2008 - 15:23 local time

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© 2008 Dean Karamehmedovic, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License

This locally famous 3,922-step stairway ascends to the summit of the Koolau mountain range. The stairs climb 2,800 feet up a nearly vertical cliff from the base of Haiku Valley to the summit of Puu Keahi a Kahoe, The ascent is so steep that sometimes the stairs disappear behind the climber into the clouds that blanket the sharp peaks. That is why some call the Haiku Stairs the “Stairway to Heaven.”
The Haiku Stairs continue to be closed and guarded and Currently there is no permitted access to the trailhead.

Nikon D200, 10.5mm, 360P

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