Methuselah's Garden
Discovery Trail, Schulman Grove, White Mountains, California, USA
25 June 2006 08:39 PDT (15:39 UT)
© 2006 Landis Bennett, All Rights Reserved.
This panorama was not taken in front of Methuselah as there is an understood policy not to publish images of the tree itself to keep it safe from harm. Nor is it taken from anywhere near Methuselah, but the tree in the opening view here is a great example of how these amazing trees look. Many times most of the tree looks dead and the only living part is just a small portion on the downwind side.
This 'Garden' has been here since the time of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Not just looking like this, but perhaps some of these exact trees were saplings when they were being built. To be around a garden this old is an almost mystical experience and I hope that generations to come will be able to see these trees in all their ancient glory.
Lat: 37° 23' 9.34" N
Long: 119° 11' 45.68" W
Elevation: 10,082 ft
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.
Software: Kekus PanoTools Plug-ins, RealViz Stitcher, Photoshop CS, Enblend, CubicConverter, QT Player Pro, VRPrep