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(June 20-25, 2006)

Martin Vejrosta

Magic Garden

Andrew Varlamov

Watering Tomatoes and Paprika in Greenhouse

Near Fornosovo, 40 km south of St. Petersburg, Russia

June 24, 2006 - 20:30 local time (Moscow TZ)

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© 2006 Andrew Varlamov, All Rights Reserved.

This is our dacha, where we spent all summer weekends and part of vacation. After hot June day water in metal drums became warm and my wife is watering tomatoes, paprika and lettuce in greenhouse.

We have bought this plot in 1989. It was piece of land with dimensions 20 meters in width and 30 meters in length covered by cutted trees and bushes. There were 2 skeletons of unfinished houses built with thick wood. My father and parents of my wife helped us to build basements for houses, reassembly the houses, cover them by roofs and make houses suitable for living. In early 1990s we stuck into soil seeds of plum to grow natural fence along border of plot and stuck the first couple of apple trees.

In late 1990s our gardener's assosiation (consisting of 200 plots by 6 sotkas) was connected to public electric network. In 2001 we ordered to drill water well and bought electrical water pump. Every morning we water the vegetables in greenhouses and beds, fill four metal drums by water from the well to use the water again in evening.

Last summer it was the first time when we harvested 5 buckets of yellow plums. But winter frosts were too cold and spring was dry. That is why I didnt see the plum trees in blossom, but there are many dry branches to cut.

Europe / Russia-Urals West

Lat: 59° 34' 34.79" N
Long: 30° 30' 24.12" E

Elevation: 0

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Low. Intentionally hazy, due to privacy concerns.


Hardware: Pentax *ist 35 mm film camera, SMCP-F FishEye Zoom 17-28mm f/3.5-4.5 lens, Fujichrome Velvia 100F Professional 35mm film, film was scanned by Noritsu QSS-2901 at Photocenter "Gerika" (resolution 2000 dpi, without correction), Falcon Eyes tripod, self-made panoramic head.

Software: Adobe Photoshop, PTGui 5.8.4 by New House Internet Services B.V., Smartblend 1.2.2 by Michael Norel, Pano2QTVR version 0.9.0 by Thomas Rausher.
Behind the scene : how this panorama was made
During this week weather conditions changed several times. June 20 and 21 were hot sunny days. On Friday 23 it was raining with storm. On weekend weather was cloudly but evenings were sunny and windless.

I used new (for me) lens without readjusting of panohead after previous lens (Zenitar). New lens means new habbits, zoom lens differs fixed lens.

In town it was hard to shoot because fur of poplars was flying everywhere like winter snow thus causing grey ghosts on shots. That is why our dacha became more suitable place for panorama's shooting.

I had got suspictions whether my wife approve panorama, but result of shooting was satisfactory. Film sensitivity = ISO 100, focal length = 17mm, exposure time = 1/60 sec, aperture = f5.6, mode = AV. Method of shooting was common: 6 shots by 60 degrees horizontally, 3 shots around zenith by 120 degrees (for reliable stitching). (Promise to learn to shoot nadir shots by hand - to avoid mirror ball layout in bottom of panorama)

For next event I would like to use Pentax *ist DS digital camera with different wide-angle lens (I dont know which one yet).
Caption in Russian - Полив томатов и перцев в теплице
Это наша дача, где мы проводим летом все выходные и часть отпуска. После жаркого июньского дня вода в металлических бочках нагрелась, и моя жена поливает томаты, перцы и салат в теплице.

Мы купили этот участок в 1989 году. Это был кусок земли размерами 20 на 30 метров, заваленный срубленными деревьями и кустами. На участке стояли 2 сруба из бревен. Мои отец, тесть и теща помогли нам сделать фундаменты, собрать заново срубы, покрыть их крышей и сделать дома пригодными для жилья. В начале 90-х годов мы посадили в землю семена алычи, чтобы сделать естественный забор вдоль границы участка и посадили первую пару яблонь.

В конце 90-х наше садоводство (из 200 участков по 6 соток) подключили к линии электропередач. В 2001 годы на нашем участке пробурили водяную скважину, и мы купили электронасос. Каждое утро мы поливаем овощи в теплицах и на грядках, наполняем четыре металические бочки водой из скважины, чтобы снова воспользоваться водой вечером.

Прошлым летом впервые мы собрали 5 ведер желтой алычи. Но зимние морозы были слишком крепкими, а весна - сухой. Поэтому по весне я не увидел, чтобы сливы цвели, появилось лишь много сухих веток, которые приходится срезать.

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