Luminale - Osthafen Bridge
Osthafenbrücke, Frankfurt/Main, Hesse, Germany
April 2, 2014; 23:05 CET
© 2014 Gabi Haindl, All Rights Reserved.
Luminale - Illumination of the Osthafen Bridge
This year the new Osthafen Bridge was part of the Luminale in Frankfurt. Different patterns like dots, stripes, formulas ... have been projected onto the bridge.The projected patterns on the bridge changed every 3 minutes (including a short break), which made it hard to take panoramas. The first evening, when we discovered this nice Luminale project, all tries to get a complete HDR set of photos for a panorama failed. But at least we got an idea how long one pattern was projected.
In the second night the timing was perfect. Eight photo positions for the panorama. Each position had bracketing with three steps and the apperture two steps more open than the night before to get the sum of the exposure times shorter. Plus two aditional HDR photos and all fitted into the time frame for one projected pattern.
Two years ago this bridge was built at the river bank of the Main and was moved later to it's final place. I took a night panorama from "The Night Before The Big Move" and submitted it for the Best Of 2012.