A Dig No More
Cathedral Square, Worcester, Worcestershire, England, UK
March 31, 2024, 6:18 UTC (7:18 local time)
© 2024 Robert Bilsland, All Rights Reserved.
It's been 8 years, 10 months and 15 days since I stood on this very spot to shoot my previous panorama (The Lich Street Dig) on the theme of "Once Upon A Time". While everything looked so "normal" above the ground, it was weird knowing what also was directly below my feet.
When I originally visited the location, it was an archaeological dig in the middle of a large roundabout. The area was about to be re-developed, and the opportunity to see what was left of Lich Street below the surface was embraced. Where I stood to shot was on some cobbles at the side of the re-discovered road, looking down into the basements of the old buildings. But the dig had to come to an end, and the excavations were carefully backfilled for future archaeologists to uncover.
Cathedral Square was then developed with plenty of public space and surrounded by eateries along 2 sides. This left the road that used to skirt around the outside to be re-directed across the front of the Cathedral. With so much changing, identifying the original location was a challenge in itself. Once a location was found, it became clear I would have to shoot my new panorama early in the morning as it was now on the edge of the road. I Finally chose to shoot this panorama low to take into account the new road being built on top.
Taken with a Nikon D300 and a Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G fisheye lens. Mounted on a Nodal Ninja 5 panorama head and R-D16 rotator atop a Manfrotto 055XPROB tripod. Shots taken at 6 positions 60° apart, tilted 15° down, and another shot taken looking straight up. Raw files then processed in darktable v3.8.1 before being stitched together using PTGui 10.0.19 Pro and converted using Pano2VR 6.1.15 pro.