My Favorite Place
Fort Worth Texas, USA
September 29, 2023 1:41pm Central Texas Time GMT -6
© 2023 Pat Albright, All Rights Reserved.
My favorite place is to step into our back yard Xeriscape yard. The Lantana planting produces Yellow / Orange blooms. We have 2 of them that cover a space 20 x 5 feet about [ 6m x 2m ]. They have a pleasant scent that attract bees. Gecko's and Texas Red Racer's lizards like to hide under the foliage. And yes, the Gnome oversees critter and plant management.
Lat: 32° 39' 37.889" N
Long: 98° 23' 17.072" W
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.
Canon 5d Full 35mm sensor
Sigma 8mm circular 180° Fisheye
Nodal Ninja R1
Manfrotto Tripod
Ptgui Rev12.22
Pano2vr Rev 706
Photoshop CS6