Central Station in Langyuan Art Zone
Langyuan, Beijing, China
Sept. 6th, 2023, 9:00am
© 2023 Jesse Lee 李景超(鱼眼龙), All Rights Reserved.
During the era of planned economy in China, this area was once a Beijing textile warehouse. There are over 30 large red brick warehouses in the park, which were used to store important strategic materials. There are over 2 kilometers of railway tracks leading into each warehouse, and over 300 meters of tracks still remain in the park today. There is a large number of precious industrial relics that were preserved intact and well integrated into fashion design when the area was converted into a cultural and creative park. These include the two railway tracks, as well as the platforms and warehouses on both sides of the tracks.
Camera:SONY NEX-7
Lens:Samyang 8mm F2.8 II
tripod head:Nodal Ninja R1 lens ring with MINI Rotator