The Ruins of Western Morality
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin, Germany
12th of August 2014, 13:10 CEST
© 2014 Carsten T. Rees, All Rights Reserved.
The Shoa is the sad climax of a long development in Western Culture. It is indeed difficult to find words here. Sad is much too weak - horrid, bitter, unthinkable, unspeakable – all together and much more.
At the root of this failure of morality is the absurd concept that some human life is better or more valuable than some other human life. It is a dark chapter in Science that Social-Darwinism tried to give a “scientific” backing to this stupidity. Eugenics made it even worse by introducing the pseudo-scientific concept of human genes and human races of different value.
Look at the genocide of the Tasmanian indigenous people, the great man-made famines in India during the reign of Queen Victoria, the attempt to wipe out the Herero.
And after the Shoa? Have the nations learned? Have the grand-children of both the perpetrators and the victims learned? Have they learned that all humans do share equal dignity and equal rights?
Lat: 42° 30' 50.15" N
Long: 13° 22' 45.16" E
Elevation: 36 m
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.