Route 66 Triple Crossroad in Time
Old Route 66, Bellemont, Arizona, USA
September 25, 2010, 15:36 local (2236Z)
© 2010 David Schaubert, All Rights Reserved.
On the west side of Bellemont, Arizona's Navaho Army Depot, there is an intersection where three Route 66 roadbeds cross; the abandoned original asphalt from the 1920s, 1930s, and the concrete 1940s roadbeds.
The wide modern-ish looking road is from the late 1940s. The combined path of the 1920s and 1930s red asphalt (now deteriorated to gravel) can be seen to the southeast (past the parked 1966 Mustang). To the northeast, the 1920s and 1930s roadbeds diverge at the point that the 1940s roadbed crossed and take their independent paths through the forest where the red asphalt is still in good shape. Down these cuts through the forest can be seen the current Interstate 40 that supplanted Route 66 in Arizona in the '70s and '80s.
Truly a transportation crossroad in time.....
Lat: 35° 14' 44.3" N
Long: 112° 52' 3.6" W
Elevation: 2192
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.