Turquoise mosque
Saint Petersburg, Russia
September 18, 2008 - 13:58 UTC (17:58 local time)
© 2008 Andrew Varlamov, All Rights Reserved.
The Mosque was designed by architects Nikolay Vasilievich Vasilyev, Stepan Samoilovich Krichinsky and Alexander Ivanovich von Gogen, the project combined traditions of Muslim architecture (the main prototype was the Gur-e Amir Mausoleum in Samarkand) and elements of the Northern Modern.
The majolica decor was created under the guidance of ceramicist Peter Kuzmich Vaulin.
Lens: Pentax SMC P-DA Fish-Eye 10-17mm F3.5-4.5 ED (IF)
Tripod: Manfrotto 190XB
Tripod Head: Nodal Ninja 3
Software: PTGui 7.8 by New House Internet Services B.V. (dated by April 2, 2008), MinGW version of PanoTools library 2.8.0 (dated by November 24, 2005) from Jim Watters' PanoTools site, Pano2QTVR version 1.6.6 pro flash by Thomas Rauscher.
Проект соборной мечети, разработанный архитекторами Николаем Васильевичем Васильевым, Степаном Самойловичем Кричинским и Александром Ивановичем фон Гогеном, сочетал традиции мусульманской архитектуры (основной прототип - мавзолей Гур-Эмир в Самарканде) с элементами северного модерна.
Майоликовое убранство создано под руководством художника-керамиста Петра Кузьмича Ваулина.