Cape Meares Lighthouse
Cape Meares, Tillamook County, Oregon
June 12, 2017, 18:00 UTC (11 am local time)
© 2017 Jim Cole, All Rights Reserved.
The Fresnel lens shape can be seen just to the left of the red filter, and in the lens sitting behind the filter. (Unfortunately, my camera can also be seen in the reflection. I was moving pretty fast, needing to take this picture between tour groups, and missed the reflection.)
Looking out through the glass windows gives a panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. Even more key to this quarter's theme is the fact that glass was essential to the operation of this structure, and is a key part of its interest today.
Lat: 45° 29' 11.31" N
Long: 124° 59' 42.03" W
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.