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(June 15-21, 2007)

aleksandar janicijevic

Old Town Toronto, Crombie Park

Sachio Izumi

A Symbol of Shitamachi Community in Osaka

Karahori, Osaka, Japan

21 June, 2007(14:16 local time)

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© 2007 Sachio Izumi, All Rights Reserved.

There is this small shrine in the alley of Karahori district of Shitamachi in Osaka.

Most rebuild it in a building, and a lot of downtown areas are made in the inner city of Osaka, but a row house stays in this district a lot and is connected in a small alley. There are a lot of such "Small shrine" and "Guardian deity of children" in the spots of the alley, and it is worshiped carefully by living people.

There are words to call "Mukousangen-Ryoudonari" from old days in Japan. The people made community from acquaintance with the neighborhood naturally.

Mind of "Mukousangen-Ryoudonari" in taste only in a Shitamachi which became rare and a good meaning is left in this district now. "Small shrine" and "Guardian deity of children" have the role as community joining people living in here together.

The young people who gathered from the charm of this town newly make various shops and galleries, and new community is made, and it is it recently with the attractive town where old and new culture mixes.

"Mukousangen-Ryoudonari" are three houses that are on the opposite side of my house, and right and left two neighboring houses. The vicinity in which it associates always intimately.

大阪の都心部では商業地区が多く、その多くがビルに建替えされていますが この地区には長屋が沢山残っていて、狭い路地で繋がっています。 路地の所々に、この様な“祠”や“地蔵”が沢山あって、住んでいる人達によって大切に祭られています。

日本では昔から“向こう三軒両隣”と云う言葉があり、人々は近所付き合いから自然にコミュニティを作っていました。 この地区では、下町ならではの風情や良い意味での“向こう三軒両隣”の精神が残っています。 “祠”や"地蔵”がこの場所に住む人達を結びつけるコミュニティ作りの役割も果たしています。

最近では、この町の魅力から新しく集まった若い人達が色々なお店やギャラリーを作り、新しいコミュニティが作られ、 新旧の文化が混ざり合う魅力的な街となっています。

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