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(March 18-27, 2011)

Fung Yu

Street Painting

Walker Young

The Bowl of Righteousness — 義碗風範

Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan — 新竹縣新埔鎮,寮褒忠義民廟

March 21, 2011, 07:19 UTC (15:19 TPE)

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The Bowl of Righteousness
In 1786 the Hsinchu Yimin army received a Royal Decree of "Honor the Loyal" from Emperor Qian Long for assisting to put down Lin Shuang-wen Revolt. Local leaders gathered the martyrs' bones in a mound and built Fangliao Zhongyi Temple of Heroes to commemorate this event. For over 200 years, fifteen villages around the Hsinchu and Taoyuan areas have taken turns holding the greatest annual Yimin ceremony on lunar July 20. In 2010, it was Guanxi that was responsible for welcoming the spirit tablet of the Yimin heroes home. Villagers present bowls of rice everyday as if worshiping their own ancestors. The bowl of rice with the greatest respect reminds us forever of the spirit of Yimin with greatest righteousness.



More Trip View Bowl 360 Panoramas:

Asia / Taiwan

Lat: 24° 50' 38.5" N
Long: 121° 2' 10.6" E

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Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh

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