Between Two Plates
San Andreas Fault, Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA
19 March 2006, 1140 PST
© 2006 Landis Bennett, All Rights Reserved.
100 years ago, on 18 April 1906, one of the most famous earthquakes was caused by the rapid slip of this fault: The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. The earth shook at 5:12 am for around 45 seconds. During that time, Point Reyes and everything else west of the San Andreas Fault moved north by between 4 and 21 feet. Fences split as can be seen in some of these historic photos.
This panorama was taken at a location where a fence was built as an example of this displacement. We are standing between the split of the fence on the fault itself. The fence has split by about 16 feet. The blue posts are situated along the fault trace. The fault isn't exactly visible right here, but its presence can be detected up and down most of the state of California. And when it slips again, we'll all know it for sure.
Software: Kekus PanoTools Plug-ins, RealViz Stitcher, Photoshop CS, Enblend, CubicConverter, QT Player Pro, VRPrep