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(March 17–20, 2005)

Philip Silver

Riverside Food Market

Pedro Silva

Praça de Cascais

Cascais, Portugal

2005.03.19 11:40

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© 2005 Pedro Silva, All Rights Reserved.

This is a view of the "praça" (aka "mercado municipal") of Cascais on a typical Saturday morning. It's open everyday except Sunday from 6:30am, but the high points are Wednesdays and Saturdays, when farmers come to sell in the "mercado saloio", as seen here.

This WWP was a great excuse to get up early and visit this market. I hadn't been here in a while, but have fond memories of shopping here every week with my parents for many years.

I still knew Cascais as a small fishing village some 30km (20 miles) from the capital, Lisboa. It has now become a suburb of Lisboa, albeit a very nice one.

Cascais is, in the immortal words of my father, "where the sun comes to spend the winter". Too bad spring was coming, and the sun was nowhere to be seen...
more panos shot the same day can be seen at http://alf1.cii.fc.ul.pt/~pedro/Photos/Panoramas/wwp305/

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