Classic Cars & Spare Parts
Olympiahalle, Munich, Germany
March 19, 2005 - 13:41 UTC (14:41 local time)
© 2005 Carl von Einem, All Rights Reserved.
The Olympic Hall of the 1972 Olympic Games is still a nice place for concerts or sports events like bicycle races, and once a year it's a marketplace for those enthusiasts who search for spare parts and literature or just want to have a look at those beautiful historical cars like the 1911 Delaunay Belleville at the ASC booth.
Mercedes celebrates the 50th anniversary of the SL line in an extra area and the show room sign leads to a big hall where you can buy almost everything from Alfa Giulia to Zündapp motorbikes.
Did you spot the strange term Oldtimer on the inflatable arc? This is german - or better: germish (= GERMans trying to speak englISH mixing up everything) for vintage cars. The very colourful booth left of it offers "funny" colour strips for cars, nothing I'd want for my 1975 Volkswagen Super Beetle Convertible... you might be able to read the English description on the full screen version of my QTVR.
Klassikerschmiede is a team of experts near Munich who care for cars like that 1911 Delaunay Belleville
Only a few lines about the Delaunay Belleville car works at Wikipedia
Monopod and self-built adaptor
Reala Color Negative film scanned with LS-4000 trying to establish a full 16-bit workflow
Stitched with PTMac, some manipulation in Photoshop
This car was manufactured in France in 1911. At that time it was usual to have the carriage body of such a car built in another place, this Landaulet has been built near Kensington in England. The first owner is said to have traded it in for a new Rolls Royce in the mid-30s. The second owner later borrowed it to the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, England.
After a long time on exhibition it was sold in the mid-80s to the third (and present) owner who has just finished the last important details: all the dirt of so many decades has been gently removed from the original painting reveiling it's original blue colour. I always thought the car was black! Everything is in it's original state, even the interior decoration.
The tech guy behind it Alfred Smidt of klassikerschmiede.de had a busy weekend explaining all the interesting details of this project and the history of this veteran car to the visitors.