Route 66 Skate Park
City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona, United States of America
May 24, 2018, 1634Z (9:34AM Local)
© 2019 David Schaubert, All Rights Reserved.
When a reconfiguration of an Interstate 40 offramp isolated a section of original 1940's Route 66 Cement, rather than tearing it it out it the roadbed was incorperated into the city urban trail system. Shaded picnic tables and some Route 66 information kiosks were added to make a small park.
Most residents are not even aware the park exists as it is only accessable via bicycle or on foot and is in a commercial/industrial area next to the railroad main lines through the area.
Canon XTi (400D) DSLR, Sigma 8mm f3.5 fisheye lens, Nodal Ninja 3 (NN3) Pano Head, MegaMast 28' Carbon Fiber Stand, Apple MacPro 2008 Dual-Quad Xeon, PTGui Pro 11.6, Photoshop CS5 Extended, Pano2VR 5.2.5