Recording studio "Mix à l'eau de mer"
Saint-Nazaire (Brittany), France
June 20 2024, 10:38 UTC (12:38 local)
© 2024 Christian Braut, All Rights Reserved.
This year, as the summer solstice, during which this panorama had to be produced, preceded the "fête de la musique" by a day, I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate the latter. What better way to do this than to take you on a tour of the "Mix à l'eau de mer" recording studio run by the famous sound engineer Yves Jaget?
Taken with a Nikon D810 + AF Fisheye-Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D mounted on a Nodal Ninja 3 MkII head. One row of six shots + zenith/nadir. Optimized with Photoshop/Camera Raw, stitched with PTGui and KRPano Tools.