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(September, 2004)

Brooks Leffler

The Bridges of Cannery Row

Claudio Lanconelli

Bridge of boats

Porto Corsini, Ravenna, Italy

4:00pm CEST, 20 September 2004

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© 2004 Claudio Lanconelli, All Rights Reserved.

This is an old bridge of boats over a channel in the "Piallassa Baiona" near Ravenna (Italy).
He says about a hard existence, and resists to the governments and the bad weather thanks to the continuos darns of the old fishermen used to this life.
In this environment the superfluous one does not exist and the things do not die never.
Everything is reused and seems to assume a new energy and a new meaning.

The Pialassa Baiona is a coastal lagoon located along the northern Adriatic coast of Italy.
It is a Ramsar site included in the Regional Po River Delta park, furthermore it was designed as Special Protection Zone (79/409/EEC) and proposed as Site of Community Importance (92/43/EEC).

Hardware: Nikon D70, Peleng 8mm, "Philopod"

Software: Autopano, Hugin, Enblend, Photoshop Panocube

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